OH! For the love of books!
OH! For the love of books!
Episode 49 Recap of chapters 24 and 25 in Untruthful speech
Recap of chapters 24 and 25 in Untruthful speech. Up coming changes in my Podcast. Information on an interview.
Opening music
"Hello all you book worms and welcome to OH! For the Love of Books!, The show gives you a bit of narration from the books I read or ones you suggest for me to read. I'm your host, Jessica Vickery, and thank you for joining me on this journey.
1st Main Point
Here’s a quick recap of chapters 24 and 25.
In chapter 24 Jack takes Nigel, Mack and Derek to his office and outfits them with new phones, belts with GPS tracking and a ring that is part of an active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. Also tells them that they also hacked into the Chinese government’s facial recognition cameras. If something goes wrong with the belt or if they are in a place where GPS won’t work.
Jack leaves to go to his meeting and leaves them with the head tech guy Andy to explain everything to them.
After about an hour and only understanding about 20% of what Andy was explaining to them, they decide to go grab some food and drink.
After ordering and getting their beer, Nigel gets a call from Jack saying he was just informed that Zang has been spotted.
They hope in a taxi and head for the market where Zang was spotted.
In chapter 25 they pay the driver and give him a nice tip and decide to purchase hats to try and conceal their identity.
They proceeded to go to different stores trying to locate Zang.
At their last stop that is a coffee shop, they spot Zang coming out of an apartment building.
They hale a taxi (which was the same driver they gave the large tip to) and told him to follow the Silver Mercedes.
Nigel calls Jack to inform him of what they are doing, and Jack says to hand the phone to the driver so he can meet up with them and help.
Well, it turns out that they have been made and get boxed in at an intersection and broadsided by a Chinese work truck.
When Mack and Nigel come too, they then realize that Derek was taken.
And that is where I am leaving the story.
To find out what happens pickup the book to find out.
You can grab it online or at your favorite bookstore.
SO this next little bit is going to be information about some changes to my content and frequency . In order for me to narrate the books that I read I will need to gain permission from the publishers if I want to read more then 10% of the book.
So while I am gaining the permission I will be changing the frequency of my postings to once per month. I may throw in little episodes that with different content such as series information from the ones that I have read, or bits of interesting information I have come across about books. But the main content will be once a month.
I may also narrate books from the public domain sites that I don’t need permission for if I am finding it hard to get the permission needed.
And if your wondering why I narrated the full part 1 of Untruthful Speech, Well the book is self-published and I reached out to Michael Padjen and gained his permission. Fortunately for me a vary good friend of mine knows him really well. Like family.
So I have been saying that a very special episode was coming and I would talk more about it.
Well the authors of Untruthful Speech Michael Padjen and Ron Cisneros have agreed to an interview! I can’t even describe how excited and grateful I am to have this unbelievable opportunity!
A lot people get star struck for actors, well for me it’s authors. The ability to put a story on paper and make it engaging, funny, intriguing or feel emotions with just words and your imagination it is so magical. You get to picture what you think the characters look like, dress like and you can fall in love or hate them.
Next week will be the full interview and I know you won’t want to miss it.
Just from the brief correspondence I have had with them, I can tell that these 2 are something special and will capture the interest of many so stay tuned.
Outro Music
Well, that concludes my episode for today. I want to thank you all for taken the time to listen to me talk. I hope you have enjoyed this episode. If you like my podcast Subscribe to my show or “Please send me an email to jessvicvoice@outlook.com that’s (spell out the name). With suggestions of books for me to read on the show. Thank you again, and please join me next week on “Oh, for the love of books.” and as always, dream big and keep reading!Opening music